Stanford CIS

4 Reasons America's Laws Governing Robots Are Terrifyingly Outdated


"The “Three Laws of Robotics,” which Isaac Asimov dreamt up for his Robotseries, remains an entirely fictional concept. In the real world — which is now full of robots — there are very few statutes regarding the behavior of automatons. Right now, the person doing the most to raise alarm over this potentially troublesome hole in our legal system is Ryan Calo, a law professor at the University of Washington. Calo recently authored the paper ”Robots in American Law,” which basically details six decades of confused jurisprudence. Because robots blur the line between person and instrument, Calo asserts, they fit neatly in the cracks of our current legal system.

“The challenges robots pose will only become more acute in light of the explosive growth of the robotics industry over the next decade,” writes Calo. “We are in the midst of a robotics revolution.”"

Published in: Press , Robot Law , Robotics