Google's New Adwording Policy in Europe
As of yesterday, Google’s new policy concerning registration of trademarks as keywords for triggering contextual advertisement in many European countries went i…
As of yesterday, Google’s new policy concerning registration of trademarks as keywords for triggering contextual advertisement in many European countries went i…
The closely watched battle over the use of trademarks as keywords for purpose of triggering advertisements on Google’s search result pages (AdWords) reached hig…
ICANN’s recent initiative to open the generic domain names space to an application, register-your-favorite-gTLD process struck me as very problematic from the m…
Declining to follow similar cases in other circuits, a federal district court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania ruled that a website’s attempt to increas…
Plaintiff, formerly SFX Motor Sports, Inc. (now Live Nation Motor Sports, Inc.), produces motorcycle racing events known as Supercross and broadcasts these race…
For those of you who are interested in domain names issues I have made this piece available on my SSRN page. It addresses the interface between registration of…
Earlier this year the German Federal High Court held trademarks metatagging unlawful. The “impuls” holding (in German) available for download here. According to…
I've just posted a new SSRN working paper on keywording advertising in search engines. Comments are welcome.…