The House Has Voted. They Will Allow Warrantless Surveillance.
"“I think it is fair to say that the vote is significant for the future because it shows that Congress intends to ensure continued access to communications…
"“I think it is fair to say that the vote is significant for the future because it shows that Congress intends to ensure continued access to communications…
"And as Jennifer Granick notes in her excellent new book American Spies, executive-branch claims that Section 702 has been vital to preventing terrorist at…
Today, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) announced that it would stop some of the surveillance it conducts on the telecommunications ba…
"Riana Pfefferkorn, a legal researcher and attorney at Stanford University, told Ars: With there being a fair number of cases out there that have taken a…
Arguing that the information publicly available on the NSA's Upstream program, combined with an understanding of how the Internet works, means plaintiff Wik…
In our previous posts, we’ve argued that the NSA is collecting massive amounts of data about US citizens under conditions that have nothing to do with terrorism…
Last week, we argued that the public discussion surrounding two of the government’s most controversial mass surveillance programs – PRISM and Upstream – has not…
The legal authority behind the controversial PRISM and Upstream surveillance programs used by the NSA to collect large swaths of private communications from lea…