Tool Without A Handle: Cybersecurity Paradoxes
Tool Without A Handle: Cybersecurity Paradoxes "I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics." —Richard Feynman[1] Earlier I w…
Tool Without A Handle: Cybersecurity Paradoxes "I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics." —Richard Feynman[1] Earlier I w…
With the Supreme Court poised to rip away a constitutional right that’s been the law of the land for nearly half a century by overturning Roe v. Wade, it’s time…
Local governments are attractive targets for hackers and are ill-prepared Richard Forno, University of Maryland, Baltimore County President Joe Biden on March…
This is the latest entry in my lengthy archive of writing, talks, and interviews about the EARN IT Act: * Blog posts here at the CIS blog: part 1, part 2, par…
Ukraine conflict brings cybersecurity risks to US homes, businesses Richard Forno, University of Maryland, Baltimore County All cybersecurity is local, regard…
This is the latest entry in my lengthy archive of writing, talks, and interviews about the EARN IT Act: * Blog posts at the CIS blog: part 1, part 2, part 3,…
Interoperability and distributed content moderation models have tremendous promise. They could temper major platforms’ power over public discourse, introducing…
This blog post is based off of a talk I gave on May 12, 2021 at the Stanford Computer Science Department’s weekly lunch talk series on computer security topics.…
TILT 2021 | Day One | Deepfakes in the Courtroom: A New Evidentiary Challenge Riana Pfefferkorn - Research Scholar, Stanford Internet Observatory…
In late December, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit against the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), challenging the FBI’s “Glomar” re…
Out of the 7.5 billion people on Earth, I’m guessing that approximately zero percent will be sad to see this benighted year come to an end. Looking back is too…
“The Supreme Court’s opinion in this case could decide whether millions of ordinary Americans are committing a federal crime whenever they engage in computer ac…