Final FCC Net Neutrality Rules Address ‘Fast Lane’ Loophole That Worried Critics
Before the Biden FCC restored net neutrality, there was concern that the new net neutrality rules weren’t as tough as the ones discarded by the Trump administra…
Before the Biden FCC restored net neutrality, there was concern that the new net neutrality rules weren’t as tough as the ones discarded by the Trump administra…
This comes after proponents of net neutrality, like Stanford Law Professor Barbara Van Schewick and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), had called out the…
Some experts expressed doubts that network slicing was really going to be used by telcos in the way net neutrality advocates feared, but the final text appears…
On Tuesday, the FCC released the final text of the 2024 Open Internet Order, which the commission voted to adopt on April 25. Here’s my statement and initial a…
Barbara van Schewick, professor of law at Stanford and Director of the Center for Internet and Society, said the ruling could back up states’ right to create th…
In 2021, New York adopted the Affordable Broadband Act, which requires broadband providers to offer affordable options to low-income households. Today, the Co…
Net neutrality experts like Stanford professor Barbara van Schewick had expressed concerns that the new rules were somewhat weaker than the original. She was pa…
Stanford Law Professor Barbara van Schewick said today's ruling provides states with important protections in the event that the FCC ever deregulates broadb…
What ended up happening in the years after the rollback went into effect in 2018 was so discreet that most people unlikely noticed its effects, says Stanford La…
While the FCC touts the revised ruling as a step towards net neutrality, digital experts are more skeptical of the move. Stanford professor Barbara van Schewic…
Statement from Professor Barbara van Schewick, Professor of Law at Stanford Law School and the Director of Stanford Law School’s Center for Internet and Society…
Genau solche Überholspuren erfassen die neuen FCC-Regeln jedoch nicht vollständig. Zwar dürfen sich Netzbetreiber von den jeweiligen Online-Anbietern für eine V…