Stanford CIS

How Ranking and Recommendation Algorithms Influence How We See the World

By Daphne Keller on

Have you ever stumbled on a random video because of autoplay? Have you ever wondered why some items appear on your news feed or in search results while others do not? Today, internet platforms use a range of artificial intelligence and machine-learning tools to rank the content we see in search results and news feeds, and to make recommendations on products we should purchase, news we should read, and content we should consume.

However, there is a significant lack of transparency around these algorithmic decision-making processes. This raises questions regarding how these algorithmic tools can impact user expression, how platforms safeguard user rights, and how these companies should be held accountable for their practices.

Join New America’s Open Technology Institute (OTI) for the second virtual panel in a two-part series focused on promoting greater fairness, accountability, and transparency around the use of algorithmic decision-making in ranking and recommendation systems.

This event builds off of work that New America’s Open Technology Institute has conducted over the past year, which explores how internet platforms use algorithmic decision-making to shape and influence content and user experiences through four key areas: content moderation, newsfeed and search result rankings, ad targeting and delivery, and recommendation systems.

Speakers: Daphne Keller, @daphnehk Director of Platform Regulation, Stanford Cyber Policy Center

Heather West, @heatherwest Head of Americas Policy, Mozilla

Spandi Singh, @spandi_s Policy Analyst, New America’s Open Technology Institute

Lisa A. Hayes, @awashingtongirl Director, Tech Policy & Senior Counsel, TikTok

Moderator: Lauren Sarkesian, @SarkBites Senior Policy Counsel, New America’s Open Technology Institute