Jennifer Granick, director of civil liberties for the Stanford Center for Internet and Society, said that people aren't really understanding how the Internet is being enforced and legislated because it's become more complicated.
"The Federal Communications Commission have a difficult (job) because they want to protect consumers, they want to protect innovation, but also protect companies building the infrastructure for the Internet," she told Press:Here."Regulation is dangerous because too much regulation can squelch innovation, but too little can also squelch it."
Previously, the Internet was something people used to receive and transmit with little interference. Now those ISPs have formed monopolies and can change policies, such as net neutrality.
"The business of ISPs has changed and we're seeing a downside of this monopoly," Granick said.
Although net neutrality ended up being decided on in February, the companies have vowed to take the FCC decision to court.
Press:Here host Scott McGrew asked, "People say they want privacy, but they sure don’t act like they want privacy. Should we be more outraged?"
Read the full story and watch Jennifer's interview at NBC Bay Area.