Stanford CIS

As DOJ calls for “responsible encryption,” expert asks “responsible to whom?”

By Riana Pfefferkorn on

"While the battle against encryption has been going on within federal law enforcement circles (dubbed "going dark") since at least the early 1990s, Rosenstein has now called for "responsible encryption."

But as Riana Pfefferkorn, a legal fellow at the Stanford Center for Internet and Society, told a recent assembled crowd at Ars Technica Live, it’s not clear entirely how that responsibility should be laid out.

"I think what Rosenstein is getting at is that he believes that companies in their deployment of encryption should be responsible to law enforcement above all and public safety rather than being responsible to their users or the broader security ecosystem," she said."

Video: At Ars Live, Riana Pfefferkorn brings us up to speed on the Crypto Wars du jour.

Published in: Multimedia , encryption , Privacy