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The debate has been simmering for years: is the online world less “real” than the physical world? It’s a question that is taking on new urgency with growing concern about online harassment and its real-life consequences, especially among young people. Penn State recently suspended a fraternity for allegedly posting nude photos of women on Facebook. Meanwhile parents and educational institutions around the country are debating how to address a controversial, anonymous chat app called Yik Yak. We explore the fading distinction between on and off line.
Danielle Citron Lois K. Macht Research Professor of Law, University of Maryland's Francis King Carey School of Law; Author, "Hate Crimes in Cyberspace" (Harvard University Press, 2014)
Nathan Jurgenson Social media theorist, Contributing Editor for The New Inquiry, Researcher for Snapchat, Graduate student in Sociology at the University of Maryland