CIS Speaker Series - Data Privacy - 1/24/2011
Does the Fourth Amendment protect the privacy of your webmail? Does the government have to get a search warrant before tracking the location of your phone? What are the latest electronic privacy developments in courts and in Congress? In connection with Data Privacy Day 2011, two experts will discussed the state of electronic communications law. Kevin Bankston, senior staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, discussed recent cases he has litigated involving the Electronic Communications Privacy Act—the decades—old law that regulates electronic communications privacy—and EFF's efforts as part of the "Digital Due Process" Coalition to update that law for the 21st century. Susan Freiwald, Professor of Law at University of San Francisco School of Law, focused on the constitutional tensions underlying these current debates over online and wireless communications privacy, with a special focus on her work defending the locational privacy of cell phone users and privacy in stored email.