Stanford CIS

Where Men and Dads Fit in the Work-Family Balance Equation

By Emily Baxter on

At an event at the Center for American Progress on Wednesday, the White House Press Secretary, Josh Earnest, discussed his own challenges as a new dad. He noted that he was lucky to work with people who, despite the unusually demanding aspects of his job, appreciated his efforts to prioritize his family life (his boss, President Obama, famously goes home for dinner with his family most nights around 6:30). "That's the kind of work environment that a lot of people don't have access to," he said.

Amidst the growing conversation of work-family issues, not to mention the ongoing discussions of "leaning in" and "mommy tracks," it can be easy to paint work-family balance issues, and the policies that could make a real difference for the economic security and well-being of our families, as women's issues only. Although women face unique challenges and much research has been justly devoted to exploring these issues, the truth remains that work-family policies -- paid sick days, paid family leave and equal pay protections -- affect men as well as women.

Read the full post at The Huffington Post.

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