A new online platform launches today called Just Security, a forum on law, rights, and U.S. national security. Just Security aims to promote principled and pragmatic solutions to the problems decision-makers face in U.S. national security law and practice. The legal analysis and policy prescriptions proposed by Just Security will provide balanced and broad perspectives currently missing in the national security dialogue.
The blog will draw primarily from posts by the Board of Editors (list is below), but also feature Guest Posts and a letters to the editor section. In addition, the Just Security team is able to deliver to your inbox the latest news and notes, both domestic and abroad, relevant to governmental officials and legislators, foreign policy experts, journalists, and other practitioners who work on U.S. national security and international affairs. This feature is called the “Early Edition.” It is a way to get a daily roundup of national security stories and a look forward to some of the issues that will dominate national security conversations of the day.
I invite you to visit Just Security today and, if you like what you see, to become a regular reader for both immediate reactions to and more reflective analyses of important U.S. national security issues.
You can sign up for our Early Edition here.
You can join us on social networks as well where we look forward to engaging our readers:
Facebook – www.facebook.com/JSBlog
Twitter – www.twitter.com/just_security
Ryan Goodman
Steve Vladeck
Executive Editors
Mary DeRosa
Jameel Jaffer
Fionnuala Ní Aoláin
Beth Van Schaack
Founding Editors
Philip Alston
David Cole
Jennifer Daskal
Daphne Eviatar
Shaheed Fatima
Jennifer Granick
Derek Jinks
Sarah Knuckey
Harold Hongju Koh
Marty Lederman
David Luban
Julian Sanchez
Meg Satterthwaite
Stephen Schulhofer
Hina Shamsi
Jeremy Waldron
Andy Wright