Stanford CIS

Apply Today!* Nevada's Autonomous Driving Regulation Takes Effect

By Bryant Walker Smith on

*Note: Apply only if you have an autonomous vehicle with 10,000 miles under its belt and a million dollars (cash or bond) in its glove compartment.

Excerpt of Nevada's application materials for autonomous driving testing (noting geographic categories and environmental types)

Nevada's autonomous driving regulation takes effect today, March 1st. As the state's Department of Motor Vehicles points out on its unique autonomous driving webpage, "[a]utonomous vehicles are not available to the general public," and "the DMV is accepting applications for testing only." Applicants must prove that "they have combined competent autonomous technology and safe testing practices." Want details? Check out the DMV's application materials, a very small portion of which is excerpted above.

(In related news, California's autonomous driving bill, SB 1298, was the subject of a press conference earlier today.)