Stanford CIS


By Stanford Center for Internet and Society on

Mr. Berghammer, CEO of the Copernio Holding Company, a veteran of the aerospace, semiconductor and optical disc industries, was Vice President of Sales & Marketing Avolo LLC until 2001. Berghammer also served as Director of Worldwide Communications for Fairchild Fasteners (NYSE: FA), and its optical disc group. He also was a Special Projects Manager for EDS (NYSE: EDS) conducting research on database and future media interactivity.

Among his many professional associations and memberships, Berghammer is a life member in the U.S. Naval Institute, U.S. Navy League, National Defense Industrial Association, U.S. Air Force Association, American Institute of Aviation and Aerospace. He is also a member of the Society of Aerospace Engineers, The Optical Society of America, The Software and Information Industries Association, The World Affairs Council, The Foreign Policy Association, The Center for Intelligence Studies, the AFIO, MICA and the NMIA. In addition, Berghammer is an active participant in String Theory research and cosmology colloquia. Berghammer also sits on the Board of the In-Flight Entertainment Corporation and Future Formats, an optical and photonics research consultancy.  He also writes a column for MediaLine Magazine regarding legal, legislative and political developments impacting the media industry.

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