Why is blogging so cool? I understand the value of sharing your opinions with everyone, and blogging carries an air of confidence in opinions and expertise. But what is blogging but a one-way messageboard? Sure, lots of blogs let readers post comments, but those replies are generally shorter and farther down the screen than the original entry—like the fine print in a EULA. Let’s face it: the blogger gets to air out his own ideas with less fear of reprisal. It’s a way of controlling public response to your comments—akin to the Bush Administration’s crafty way of engineering the President’s media appearances.
Well, maybe I’m taking this too far. But frankly, I’ve never seen the incredible appeal of web-logging. And now that I must blog regularly (and make no mistake, I do this under academic duress), I might as well get used to it. As long as I can avoid having my picture online.