The Center for Internet and Society and the
Stanford Law and Technology Association
Representative Rick Boucher
DC Perspectives on MGM v. Grokster and
How to Facilitate Legal Online Music Delivery
Monday September 19, 2005
12:30-1:30 PM
Room 180
Stanford Law School
Open to All
Lunch ServedDon't miss this amazing opportunity to hear one of Congress' smartest members discuss the future of digital music. Representative Boucher (D-VA) has been at the forefront of action to help preserve user rights in the digital era. He fought for a more balanced approach to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and introduced the Digital Media Consumer Rights Act (DMCRA) to try to create more balance in the law. Monday, he will talk about Congress' response to the MGM v. Grokster decision decided by the Supreme Court last session, and options for ways to facilitate legal music delivery.
According to the Industry Standard, " When it comes to the politicians who truly "get" digital music, Rep. Rick Boucher is way out in front of the pack."