Stanford CIS

NY Times Cannot Spell Mahatma Gandhi's Name

By Stanford Center for Internet and Society on

I confess to being surprised that the Times editorial that I read (in the national edition in paper form) this morning misspelled Gandhi's name.  I'm  shocked that even at the end of the day, the Times website still has the name wrong.

What does this reveal about how much the Times senior-most editors know about the world?  When the most important figure in the last century--who led the world to freedom long before Bush embraced it for "brown people"--has his name misspelled by the supposed American newspaper of record, what does it say about how much we care about the world?

From the Times website at 5 p.m., Pacific Time:

So far, organizers of the [International Freedom Center] have said they want to focus on the idea of freedom as a global phenomenon - with heroes like Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Susan B. Anthony, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. There will be pressure to narrow the scope of the museum down to a paean to this White House and its stated values.
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