May 1, 1999. First Lady Hillary Clinton yesterday created a national firestorm of controversy by her x-rated remarks about her husband's alleged sexual activities involving farm animals, remarks which were intended ostensibly as a joke at the annual press dinner in Washington D.C.
According to the official transcript of Hillary Clinton's comments from the White House Correspondents' Association dinner, held April 30: "I saw my in-laws down in Arkansas over Easter. We like it down there. Bill didn't know much about rural life when he returned from up North. Georgetown and Yale don't have a real strong ranching program. But I'm proud of Bill. He's learned a lot about the rural life since that first year when he tried to milk the horse. What's worse, it was a male horse."
After ripping her husband, she went on to roast Vice President Al Gore; two Supreme Court justices and Defense Secretary Cohen.
She even poked fun at her mother-in-law. "So many mothers today are just not involved in their children's lives. Not a problem with Virginia Kelly. ... People think she's a sweet grandmotherly, Aunt Bea-type," the first lady said, referring to Andy Griffith's TV aunt in Mayberry. "She's more like Don Corleone," the all-powerful mobster in "The Godfather."
The First Lady joked about attending a strip show: "One night, after Bill went to bed, Tipper Gore, Madeleine Albright, Janet Reno, Donna Shalala, and I went to Chippendale's. I wouldn't even mention it except Ruth Ginsberg and Sandra Day O'Connor saw us there. I won't tell you what happened, but Tipper's Secret Service codename is now 'Dollar Tipper.'"
Rush Limbaugh suggested that the First Lady's speech "confirmed how low this Administration has brought the morals of the country." "I mean, here she is, talking about masturbation--of a horse! By gosh, doesn't she know that kids will hear this stuff. It just sickens me."
Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott said that he had asked his Congressional staff to inquire into whether it was possible to impeach a First Lady.