Stanford CIS

New Progressive Law Journal from Harvard Law

By Stanford Center for Internet and Society on

Unbound, a new student-edited law journal from Harvard Law School shows tremendous promise, at least as indicated by the contributions to its first issue (which includes the writings of a number of luminaries):


Zinaida Miller and Brishen Rogers
 Radicalism and Responsibility: An Introduction to Unbound

Libby Adler
 Rage and Critique: One Jewish Girl's Story

Kristina Brittenham
 In Pursuit of the Gold Star: Diary of a Law Student

Christine Desan
 Out of the Past: Time and Movement in Making the Present

Richard Thompson Ford
 Political Identity as Identity Politics  53

Thomas M. Franck
 Is Anything "Left" in International Law?  59

Janet Halley
 The Politics of Injury: A Review of Robin West's Caring for Justice

Duncan Kennedy
 The Social Justice Element in Legal Education in the United States

Jennie Lin
 We Who Are About to Die?  105

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