Stanford CIS

Will Sony PSP Become a Portable Linuxbox?

By Stanford Center for Internet and Society on
The Sony PlayStation Portable - How long until it runs Linux? by ZDNet's Joe Brockmeier -- Sony's PlayStation Portable (PSP) goes on sale tomorrow. Though I have a PS2 and a shelf full of games, I don't really consider myself much of a gamer, so I won't be queueing up at midnight tonight or rushing to the store first thing tomorrow to snag a PSP, but I'll probably pick one up if I can find it at Costco. What I'm (primarily) interested in isn't its gaming capabilities, however. Given the device specs the PSP looks like it would make a great gadget to run Linux. The PSP has wireless LAN, USB, a fairly generous display for a portable device and 32MB of main memory. There's already a keyboard for the PSP. The battery life (reported ...
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