Stanford CIS

AARP Brief Filed

By Stanford Center for Internet and Society on

The Cyberlaw Clinic also assisted the AARP in writing an amicus brief in
Brand-X Internet Services v. FCC. The brief argued that by categorizing
cable broadband as a telecommunications service, the Court would force the
FCC to consider consumer concerns and preserve customer choice in the ISP
market. Such concerns include the affordable pricing, superior customer
service, diversity of options, and rapid technological innovation that have
characterized the early growth of the Internet. It argued that if cable
broadband continues to be classified as an information service, these
consumer benefits will continue to erode as cable companies use their
dominant market power over the cable broadband pipeline to limit consumers‚
ISP choice. FreePress, a media advocacy organization, and the National
Internet Alliance, a trade association of Internet service providers, also
signed the brief.Download brief.

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