Stanford CIS

Elizabeth Townsend

By Stanford Center for Internet and Society on

Monday February 21, 2005
12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Room 180
Free and Open to all!
Lunch Served

This talk will look at how the Internet is impacting research and writing in an
academic setting, with particular attention paid the newly created unpublished
public domain.  It asks the question of how the digital archiving projects and
e-books projects connect to or impact on the development of the unpublished
public domain.  What should scholars know when working with archival and
manuscript sources that are now found on the Internet?  What kind of advocacy
or awareness is needed to keep open the spaces of knowledge that scholars use?Elizabeth Townsend Gard holds a Ph.D. in Modern Intellectual and Cultural European History from UCLA and a J.D. from the University of Arizona.  She is currently completing a manuscript, THE MAKING OF THE GREAT WAR GENERATION, and is concurrently working on long-term project, COPYRIGHT AND A SCHOLAR'S WORK: CULTURE, THEORY AND PRACTICE OF THE EVERYDAY.

Published in: Blog , Speakers Series