Stanford CIS

Scandal: Bush Is Coached on What to Say Before He Is on Camera!

By Stanford Center for Internet and Society on

This letter writer to the NY Times defends Rumsfeld's interrogator...

Re: "G.I.'s Query to Rumsfeld Prompted by Reporter" (news article, Dec. 10):

The revelation that a soldier's question to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld about the lack of armor on military vehicles in the Iraq war was suggested by an embedded reporter is really about as important as the fact that the president has speechwriters.

The facts are true, the issues are important, and the question addressed concerns of the troops and their families.

Why isn't it O.K. for a professional communications person to coach an untrained service member when somebody like Mr. Rumsfeld shows up for a photo-op? Especially one that he believes will be a "slam dunk"?
David J. Melvin

Chester, N.J., Dec. 10, 2004

What?  The President has speechwriters?  Let's get the Congressional committees lined up!  And no taking the Fifth because we'll immunize you!

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