Stanford CIS

Richard Sanders' Stanford Law Review Affirmative Action Study Critiqued

By Stanford Center for Internet and Society on

Goodwin Liu of Boalt Hall has a nice rebuttal to Richard Sanders' bizarre claim that affirmative action hurts blacks by leading them down a primrose path:

Sander's conclusion flies in the face of the most basic tenet of economics: that people act rationally to maximize their self-interest. Affirmative action has been with us for 30 years. Is it really possible that cohort after cohort of talented black students, lured by the siren of affirmative action, has incurred large debts and forgone other opportunities in order to attend top law schools — all on a misguided expectation of success?

Believing Sanders is to believe that African Americans (as well as Latinos and Native Americans) are exceptionally gullible and easy to lead astray.

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