Stanford CIS

Defending Justice Thomas

By Stanford Center for Internet and Society on

In an interview on Meet the Press, Senator Harry Reid, the new leader of the Democrats in the Senate, refers to Justice Thomas as an "embarrassment."  He goes on:

I think that his opinions are poorly written. I just don't think that he's done a good job as a Supreme Court justice.

This not only seems unwise, it is likely incorrect.  While I routinely disagree with Justice Thomas, I would hardly have described his opinions as "poorly written."  Now it's possible that Senator Reid is better read in the Justice Thomas oeuvre than I am.

Senator Reid was speaking in the context of the choice of the next Chief Justice.  The obvious contenders are Justices Scalia and Thomas--Kennedy and O'Connor being unlikely because they have voted to uphold abortion rights.  I suspect that Bush will choose Scalia, but Thomas may also be an attractive choice.

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