We have to make it clear that our media has failed us. The media believes objectivity requires reporting the arguments of both sides, even if one of the arguments is laughable. (Consider Social Security "privatization"--of course, Bush wants partial privatization of Social Security! He wants to move a large chunk of social security taxes into privately managed accounts--that's privatization.)
Also, the media failed to pursue the multiple scandals in the White House--from the outing of CIA Agent Valerie Plume to the grant of favors to Halliburton. The NYTimes ran front page stories day after day looking into a $30,000 (or so) profit from Whitewater in the early 80s, a story that proved no perfidy on the Clintons' part. And we need not even contemplate the lies that the Administration told the American people and the world that there was certain proof of WMD stockpiles in Iraq.
Even the replacement of the travel office staff in the White House had a "-Gate" attached to it. The media never was willing to attach a "-Gate" to any of the White House shenaningans in W's case.
Every day of the Hostage Crisis in Iran, that crisis fronted the news. But the daily body count from Iraq is far from the news. Imagine if every day We the People would face directly the knowledge that yet another soldier--or 8, as happened on a single day last week--had passed away in Iraq.
We must hold the media to account. We must ask the Fourth Estate to do its job.