Stanford CIS

The big toe breaks the surface

By Stanford Center for Internet and Society on

Well, I can see from the cobwebs on the furniture and the dust covering the light fixtures that it's been a while. It's going to take a bit of time to remove the slip covers and Pine-Sol the floors, but a wise man once said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. We're going to start slow, but we're going to start.

New authors approach! Including several who are new to SLS. By way of welcome, I offer this fantastic site tailoring the "GTD" productivity system to the more technical mind (i.e., geeks). Clever and, I hope, useful, with lots of lessons on how to stay on top of too-many commitments on your time.

[ EDIT: On review, I count no fewer than three mixed metaphors above (pool, shuttered house, long journey). I believe that's a new record. ]

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