Stanford CIS


By Stanford Center for Internet and Society on

I came to the topic of copyright within an academic setting from my own doctoral work, initially a biography, which has subsequently turned into a comparative generational biography of the Great War generation.  It was the 1990s, when the courts were looking at fair use and biography.  I suddenly saw copyright issues everywhere—in research choices and in classroom and websites for teaching purposes.  I wanted to know more. I wanted to understand the parameters of copyright law that might affect my daily choices.  Since then I have developed a copyright philosophy that while operating within existing laws and customs, actively encourages the use of all of the rights, policies, and privileges available.

I hold a Ph.D. in European Intellectual and Cultural History from the University of California, Los Angeles and a J.D. from the University of Arizona.  This is my second year as a CIS non-resident fellow.  This year, 2005-06, I am also a Leverhulme Trust Visiting Fellow and Lecturer in Intellectual Property law at the London School of Economics.
I am currently working on three copyright-related projects:

1.  The Unpublished Public Domain

2.  Fair Use and Blogging

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