Stanford CIS

Yes, Warn Us, But Tell Us the Whole Truth

By Stanford Center for Internet and Society on

National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice is on the air this morning telling us that the Administration acted responsibly in informing us the weekend after the Democratic convention of the evidence the Pakistanis had uncovered of "casings" of financial buildings on the East Coast.  (By the way, note the reliance on our allies--necessary in this War on Terror!)

Of course--they should tell us!  But they should also have told us the key fact that would have allowed reasonable people to assess the risks properly--the casings came from 2000/2001!  Having worked on Wall Street, I would have thought that information relevant to any employee thinking about whether to go to work last week.

As an aside--as part of the continuing pattern of The Administration That Couldn't Shoot Straight--she also admitted that they had released (on "background") to the media the name of the Al Queda linked man arrested in Pakistan.  The Pakistanis have said that that person was a double-agent, and was working for them, helping uncover additional Al Queda operations.  Our outing of him wrecked their effort.

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