The attack on the veracity of the military records supporting the honors given to the Lieut. Kerry puts at risk the veracity of all such records. If the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" are being honest, the many medals for heroism awarded on that day in the Mekong Delta were falsely given. That would open up all such medals for similar scrutiny.
Recall for the example Lieut. George H.W. Bush's Distinguished Flying Cross for his actions in World War II. According to the citation:
"Bush pressed home an attack in the face of intense antiaircraft fire. Although his plane was hit and set afire at the beginning of his dive, he continued his plunge toward the target and succeeded in scoring damaging bomb hits before bailing out of the craft."
(One might compare the actions of his son, who, it appears, just bailed out--only becoming responsible when he turned 40.)