Stanford CIS

And While We're at It, Let's Review George W. Bush's Drunk Driving Record

By Stanford Center for Internet and Society on

John Kerry goes to Vietnam, saves at least one life at the risk of his own, returns from Vietnam and places the burden on Congress to justify a decade-old war, asking, "How can you ask a man to be the last to die for a mistake?"

George W. Bush gets a very hard to obtain position defending Texas for aerial assault, then takes off from there to go work on a political campaign in Alabama.

Kerry is under fire for his actions; George Bush is left alone by the press.

Why aren't we investigating whether all the records related to Bush were proper?  Let's see:  There's the SEC decision (assessed here by Slate) not to pursue insider trading charges against Bush for Harken Energy--a decision made by the SEC WHILE HIS FATHER WAS PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

There's the arrest in 1976 for drunken driving in Kennebunkport, Maine (listing, oddly enough, George W.'s address as a P.O. Box in Midland).  Etc.

But our media, like a dog following its master, is led by the nose by clever right wingers.

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