Stanford CIS

But those thin mints taste so good!

By Stanford Center for Internet and Society on

Heard about the ban of Girl Scout Cookies in Texas?  Seems the Scouts’ association with Planned Parenthood was a bit unsavory for these lone-star palettes and they’ve boycotted the cookies in Crawford.   I wholeheartedly agree with the boycott, though not for their puritanical reasons.  Check out the label on the box and you will see what’s become our national beverage: partially hydrogenated oil.  OK, I know it’s solid at room temperature (that’s why they use it) so the beverage joke doesn’t really work, but it illustrates the point.  Partially hydrogenated oil is an unhealthful shelf-life extender that is forced down our throats by its ubiquitousness.  It has been widely recognized as a major contributor to heart disease.  Couldn’t the Girl Scouts get together in their local troops and make some homemade all-natural cookies?  That would carry the pristine and wholesome image so much further.  I mean, if you’re going to associate with heart disease and poor health, why not just expand to a full line of products like Girl Scout cigarettes or Girl Scout pork rinds?  But then again, without Texas, would they really have much of a market?

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