Stanford CIS

You've heard of weblogs, you've read about them, and you've probably even seen a few. But just how does one 'blog'? Are there rules of etiquette? What's the technology behind the blog, and what new technology is being developed for blogging? How is the format being used to communicate in new ways? Come get the answers from Dave Winer, publisher of the longest currently running weblog on the internet!

Monday November 24, 2003
12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Room 80 (Moot Courtroom)
Free and Open to all!
Lunch ServedDave Winer, a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School, is the publisher of the Scripting News (, the longest currently running weblog on the internet. Prior to his work at Harvard, Mr. Winer founded and developed software companies and was a Contributing Editor at Wired. Mr. Winer has co-authored technology standards including RSS and XML-RPC, and has been honored for his work by MacUser, Wired, and InfoWorld.

Published in: Blog , Speakers Series