Catholic University in Washington DC held a symposium on "The Rule of Law and The Information Age: Reconciling Private Rights and Public Interest." Stanford Professors Larry Lessig and Margaret Jane Radin will participate in the event. Professor Lessig, Executive Director of CIS, will present a paper on "The Tragedy of the Innovation Commons?: Reconciling Private Claims with Public Interest." Professor Radin, Director of the Stanford Program on Law, Science and Technology, will present her paper titled, "Reconsidering the Rule of Law: Commodification in the Information Age." Watch the archived videos.
CIS will broadcast each Professor's one hour talk back to back at the Law School on Tuesday, October 15 in room 230 at 3:45 PM, followed by a discussion of the two papers led by CIS Asst Director Lauren Gelman. Students, faculty, and the public are invited to the law school for the event.
Professor Lessig's talk: 3:45-5:00
Pizza Break
Professor Radin's talk: 5:15-6:30
Gelman led Discussion: 6:30-->
Please feel free to come for all or some of the program! You are also welcome to view the talks from the comfort of your own living room at our online stream.