Julian Dibbell, author and journalist, has been writing about digital networks and their cultural fallout for over a decade. His articles and essays -- on subjects ranging from hacker subcultures to blogger aesthetics to the politics of virtual rape -- have appeared in The Village Voice, Time, Feed, Wired, and many other publications, both online and off, and have been reprinted in Best American Science Writing 2002 (Ecco/HarperCollins, 2002), Reading Digital Culture (Blackwell, 2001), Flame Wars: The Discourse of Cyberculture (Duke University Press, 1994), and other anthologies. He is the author of My Tiny Life: Crime and Passion in a Virtual World (Henry Holt, 1998), about the text-based online role-playing game LambdaMOO, and is currently researching a book on the next generation of massively multiplayer online games. In spring 2003, he and Lawrence Lessig will coteach a course at the Law School on the social structures of virtual worlds.
Julian Dibbell
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