Stanford CIS

Stanford Program in International Legal Studies (SPILS) Panel

By Stanford Center for Internet and Society on

Stefan Bechtold – "Regulation of Namespaces"
Yuko Noguchi – "Private Copyright Management by Contracts – Comparative Study of US and Japan"
Carola Vasquez – "Regulation of Domain Names: Using Market Forces to Govern a Flawed System"Monday, April 8, 2002
12:30-2:00 p.m.
Room 80 (Moot Courtroom)
Stanford Law School

Stephan Bechtold graduated from the University of Tübingen School of Law, Germany, in 1999. Since 1997, he has been working as a research assistant to Prof. Dr. Wernhard Möschel at the University of Tübingen. In summer 2001, he finished his doctoral dissertation on the implications of digital rights management which was published recently as a book. In 1999 and 2000, Stefan was a Visiting Scholar at the University of California at Berkeley School of Law for five months in total. Supported by a Fulbright scholarship, he is a SPILS (Stanford Program in International Legal Studies) fellow at Stanford Law School since August 2001. Stefan is author of numerous publications in the area of Internet and intellectual property law as well as of the “Link Controversy Page,” a web page on legal questions of hyperlinks, frames and inline images. Additionally, he has composed numerous orchestra and chamber music works which have been awarded several composition prizes and have been repeatedly performed and broadcast.

Yuko Noguchi graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law in 1996.  She worked for the Legal Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Japan from 1996 to 1998 and was admitted to the Tokyo Bar Association in 1998.  She has practiced in Mori Sogo, one of the major international law firms in Tokyo from 1998 to the present, where her main practice fields were intellectual property litigation and licensing and business structuring, including international cases.  From 2001 to 2002 she has been a Stanford Law School SPILS fellow.  Yuko has published a co-authored a book, Patent Law and Utility Model Law (Chuou-keizai-sha, 2001), as well as several articles about patents, copyrights, and digital music.

Carola Vasquez graduated from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile School of Law in 1996. She practiced Intellectual Property law in her country for two years before moving to the US to pursue graduate studies. During the year 2000 she attended Boalt Hall, at University of California Berkeley, where she got an LL.M. (Master in Laws) degree. During her year at Boalt she was an active member of the Berkeley Technology Law Journal and focused her research and course load on Intellectual Property issues. In 2001 she became a SPILS fellow at Stanford Law School where she combines her research in the Domain Name System with her work as Research and Teaching Assistant of the Negotiation and Mediation Program. She is author of the article “Nombres de Dominio y Marcas Comerciales: Ni son lo mismo, ni son Iguales”, soon to be published by Universidad Diego Portales Technology Law Review. After successfully taking the July 2001 California Bar Exam, she is soon to become a member of the California State Bar.

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