Stanford CIS

Mozelle Thompson

By Stanford Center for Internet and Society on

The Commissioner will discuss the issues related to online privacy and the FTC's role in the area of online privacy, including the Commission's law enforcement activities, the agency's recommendation that Congress enact privacy legislation, and the Financial Modernization Act. The Commissioner will also address the status of privacy legislation and what such legislation might look like.

After laying out these issues the Commissioner will discuss the FTC Chairman Muris's new privacy agenda and some of the costs to e-commerce of moving away from privacy legislation. Commissioner Thompson will elaborate on the recent shift in America to security concerns in light of the September terrorist attacks and how this new emphasis impacts privacy.

The lecture is immediately followed by:
"The Good News About the New, New Economy"

Monday, November 5, 2001
6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Room 290, Stanford Law School

A roundtable discussion featuring:
MOZELLE W. THOMPSON, Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission, and Irvine Visiting Fellow, Stanford Law School (moderator)
HENRY 'HANK' V. BARRY '83, Partner, Hummer Winblad Venture Partners, and former interim CEO, Napster
CARLETON 'CARLY' S. FIORINA, President and CEO, Hewlett Packard Company
YAIR LANDAU, President, Sony Pictures Digital Entertainment
LAWRENCE LESSIG, Professor of Law, Stanford Law School

Presented by Stanford Law School and the Stanford Program in Law, Science & Technology.

This event was made possible by the generous support of the James Irvine Foundation.

Published in: Blog , Speakers Series