Google Books Redux: The DoJ Tones Down its Objections
I write today on CNET (see "Gripes over Google Books go Technical") about the Department of Justice's filing last week in the Google Books case.…
I write today on CNET (see "Gripes over Google Books go Technical") about the Department of Justice's filing last week in the Google Books case.…
Even as the issue of privacy continues to confound much brighter people than me, the related problem of securing the Internet has also been getting a great deal…
I published the first of two pieces on CNET today about interesting and even encouraging developments in Washington over Internet policy. (See “New Year, New P…
An interesting tempest in a teapot has emerged this week following some overblown rhetoric by and in response to celebrity causemeister Bono. There’s a deeper l…
An interesting tempest in a teapot has emerged this week following some overblown rhetoric by and in response to celebrity causemeister Bono. There’s a deeper l…
The copyright war just isn’t dramatic enough to warrant a good novel, let alone a big movie deal. Consider a few recent stories from the on-going battle betwee…
My op-ed today in The Hill (see “The Winter of Our Content,”) argues against those who want to derail the merger of Comcast and NBC Universal. I don’t know eno…
I write today on CNET (see "FTC's new strategy: kick 'em when they're down") that the FTC’s decision yesterday to attack Intel s…
I write today on CNET about several recent privacy gaffes and missteps, notably the damp squib that was Facebook's new privacy policy and tools. I have som…
Initial reports of the FTC's privacy and technology conference, which began today, suggest that the speakers are leaning heavily toward the apocalyptic. Th…
The debate over net neutrality is rapidly devolving into a war of the words--increasingly, words that take the form of hyperbole. Case in point: as reported l…
I've spent all day on what I thought would be a short blog post. The MPAA wants a waiver from the FCC rule that prohibits disabling analog interfaces on the…