Stanford CIS
Arvind Narayanan

Arvind Narayanan

Arvind Narayanan is an Assistant Professor at Princeton's Department of Computer Science and Center for Information Technology Policy and an Affiliate Scholar at the Stanford Law School Center for Internet and Society. He studies information privacy and security, and has a side-interest in tech policy. His research has shown that data anonymization is broken in fundamental ways, for which he jointly received the 2008 Privacy Enhancing Technologies Award. He is one of the researchers behind the "Do Not Track" proposal. You can follow Arvind on Twitter at @random_walker and on Google+ here.

Recent articles


How Zoom Colonized Our Lives

"Arvind Narayanan, who leads Princeton’s Web Transparency and Accountability Project, had heard chatter about Zoom for some time, but it was only when the…


How to recognize AI snake oil

"Princeton computer scientist Arvind Narayanan (previously) has posted slides and notes from a recent MIT talk on "How to recognize AI snake oil"…