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WILMap: Serbia

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The Law on Public Information and Media, Official Gazzette No. 83/2014, August 13, 2014. [(1) This law regulates inter alia the freedom to gather, publish and receive information, freedom to form and express ideas and opinions, as well as freedom of sharing information and ideas through the internet and other platforms. (2) Article 29, par. 1 defines media as a means of public information which by words, images or sound transmits edited information, ideas and opinions and other sort of content intended for public distribution and to an unspecified number of users.  (3) According to Article 30, par. 2, miscellaneous online platforms - such as internet forums, social networks, and other platforms which enable free exchange of information, ideas and opinions - or any other individual electronic publication - such as blogs, web presentations, and similar electronic presentation - do not qualify as media under this law, unless they are registered with the Media Register. Therefore, apparently, this law would apply to online intermediaries only under these narrow circumstances. (4) According to Article 59, upon the request of a Public Prosecutor, the Court can block the distribution of information or other media content if this is necessary in democratic society and if information refers to:

(4) Permanent Storage (or Hosting). According to Article 18, the service provider that stores data at the request of the users, on demand services, is not responsible for the stored data, if:

(5) Linking. According to Article 19, the service provider who through electronic linking grant access to data of another service provider is not responsible for the information, if:

(6) No monitoring Obligations. According to Article 20, when providing information society services, the service provider is not required to review the data that is stored, transmitted or made available, or to investigate circumstances indicating the illegal operation of the service user.(7) Mandatory Notification. Article 20 also states that service provider must inform the competent state authority if there is a reasonable doubt that:

The service provider must provide information on the basis of an appropriate judicial or administrative decision, disclose all the information necessary to identify or prosecute offenders, and protect the rights of third parties. (8) Notice and Takedown Obligations. According to Article 20, par. 2, notification of illegal activities or information in accordance with Article 18, par. 1. 2 and Article 19, par. 1. 2 shall contain the information about the sender of the notice, the precise description of the online location where illegal activities or information occur, as well as an explanation if the request is inadmissible.The Law on Copyright and Related Rights, Official Gazette No. 104/2009, December 24, 2009.[Article 48 states that any person shall have the right to make a temporary reproduction of a work of authorship without the author’s permission and without paying any remuneration, under the following conditions:

The Law on Contracts and Torts, Official Gazette No. 29/1978, October 1, 1978.[Provisions of this law are relevant in terms of civil liability of intermediaries for damages caused by breaching contractual and extra-contractual obligations provided by the law.]


[There are currently no known new legislative proposals on the issue of intermediary liability.]


Superior Courts

Belgrade Court of Appeal, GŽ/101 2014, February 19, 2014[defamation, honor, reputation, hosting provider, internet portal, removal] [In this case Court decided that in order to prevent further violation of personal rights, court can order the removal from an internet portal of a text which harms honor and reputation. The court stressed that, despite the fact that only certain parts of the mentioned text were harmful to the plaintiff's honor and reputation, complete removal was necessary due to the fact that the mentioned harmful parts should be considered as inseparable from the whole (including photographs).]

Lower Courts[There are currently no known lower court decisions on the issue of intermediary liability.]


Serbian Government, Business Registry Agency,


Nikola Lekic, Attorney at LawEmail: nikolalekic.lekic at


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