Stanford CIS

WILMap: Albania

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Law No. 97 on Audiovisual Media in the Republic of Albania, 2013 [(1) This law regulates the activity of audiovisual media and their support services in Albania on the basis of the technological neutrality principle (Article 1).  (2) According to Article 3, “Electronic communication network” is the systems of broadcasting, including satellite networks, fixed networks with cycle commutation or package commutation, including internet, mobile land networks, the electric cable systems when they are used for the transmission of signals, and the networks used for radio television broadcasting, irrespective of the information transmitted. (3) According to Article 42, (i) Audiovisual commercial communications must be as recognizable as possible. Surreptitious Audiovisual commercial communication shall be prohibited. (ii) Communications of a commercial nature in audiovisual broadcasting must not use ways of seducing viewers in an unconscious way, and must not use suggesting techniques. (iii) Audiovisual commercial communications must not:

Administrative RegulationRegulatory Entity: Albanian Authority on Electronic and Postal Communications (AKEP) [AKEP is an administrative body in charge with implementing websites blocking orders or content takedown in Albania.]


[There are currently no known new legislative proposals on the issue of intermediary liability.]


Superior Courts

[There are currently no known superior courts' decisions on the issue of intermediary liability.]

Lower Courts[There are currently no known lower courts' decisions on the issue of intermediary liability.]


Albanian Authority on Electronic and Postal Communications,


Sofjan JaupajEmail: sofjan.jaupaj at[personal page]


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