Stanford CIS

Stuart Soffer

Non-Residential Fellow Stu Soffer leads IPriori, Inc., a consultancy in Intellectual Property located in downtown Palo Alto. Degreed in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin, he worked as a programmer, project manager and Vice President of Software Development of a public company. In these capacities he designed and developed several networked library catalog and information systems, and was active in standards development for networked information retrieval in that arena.

Since 1993 he consults on Intellectual Property issues regarding software and the Internet, including media download and digital rights, and is frequently retained as a technical expert analyzing infringement/validity in patent, copyright and DMCA matters. He also consults on IP development and commercialization. In 2003 Stu began assembling a comprehensive database of IP litigation, integrating information from a variety of sources. Today this knowledgebase contains a significant amount of data providing potentially significant correlations. This collection emphasizes the semantic view of IP information. It is this knowledgebase that forms the basis of his research with CIS. Stu presents findings as an invited speaker at CLE events, including presenting on Cleantech, the Smart Grid, and "Intellectual Property Amidst a Greener Consciousness."