Will the Yahoo breach indictments be an effective hacker deterrent?
"Albert Gidari, director of privacy for the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School, said, at best, an "indictment is better than silen…
"Albert Gidari, director of privacy for the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School, said, at best, an "indictment is better than silen…
"As to how regulators might take on enforcement, Northeastern University professor Andrea Matwyshyn, who has advised the FTC on data security policy, said…
"“The law should require, not just encourage, reasonable data security practices from companies that collect, process, and share personal information,” sai…
"If this most recent attack is also state-sponsored, says Albert Gidari, the director of Privacy at the Stanford Center for Internet and Society, "it&…
""It could have been beyond the scope, but I’m sure the investors are going to be asking if it was beyond the scope, then why was it," says Scott…
"That order grants Yahoo immunity, said Albert Gidari, director of privacy at Stanford University's Center for Internet and Society. "I think it i…
"“This is another example of how the government is pushing secretly novel or innovative interpretations of surveillance law” to conduct wiretapping in broa…
""I've never seen that, a wiretap in real time on a 'selector,"' said Albert Gidari, a lawyer who represented phone and Internet comp…
"Hemant Bhargava, professor of technology management at University of California-Davis, and Northeastern University law professor Andrea Matwyshyn discusse…
Anyone still in doubt whether user data is valuable? Take a look at the news and learn: User data is worth the double of what Google paid for YouTube –– Googl…