WikiLeaks questions remain after London arrest of ‘houseguest from hell’
"“The Assange case could send a chilling effect to legitimate sources,” agrees Richard Forno, the director of the Graduate Cybersecurity Program at the Uni…
"“The Assange case could send a chilling effect to legitimate sources,” agrees Richard Forno, the director of the Graduate Cybersecurity Program at the Uni…
"Andrea Matwyshyn, a professor of law and computer science at Northeastern University, said that unless the owner or operator of a system specifically auth…
"Although it would be “unheard of” for the federal government to prosecute a company for using leaked classified information to improve its products, there…
"While WikiLeaks has often been criticized for releasing sensitive data without regard for the consequences, Mr. Assange is acting responsibly this time, s…
"“I don’t think there’s been absolute privacy in the history of mankind,” said Albert Gidari, director of privacy at the Stanford Center for Internet and S…
"Tuesday’s document dump mirrors the one WikiLeaks carried out when it exposed cyber toolkits used by the National Security Agency, and frankly, is not tha…
"There is an ongoing debate over the role of WikiLeaks, which claims to refrain from taking political positions on the information it gathers, noted Albert…
"“Wikileaks does not appear to operate within any particular principles with regard to information dumps. The ad hoc nature of their leaks means that they…
A talk show on KZSU-FM, Stanford, 90.1 FM, hosted by CIS Affiliate Scholar David S. Levine. The show includes guests and focuses on the intersection of technolo…
I have written an article on the future of sovereignty in the age of Wikileaks. I welcome Your comments. "The hidden power structures and the inner workin…
Affiliate scholar Marvin Ammori offers eight good reasons why the United States should not prosecute Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. I mostly agree with Ammo…