The Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School is a leader in the study of the law and policy around the Internet and other emerging technologies.
"We don’t have nearly enough information to see the big picture and know what speech platforms are taking down. For the most part, we only find out when th…
"Any effort to regulate social media companies and search engines would run up against a bevy of constitutional free speech questions. Legally, Trump doesn…
"Neil Richards, a law professor at Washington University School of law, says the case is particularly important because it seeks to assess how the internet…
"“This would be the case of a president overruling literally the most rudimentary advice given by the communications agencies,” said Andrew McLaughlin, who…
"“The unabashed white nationalism of the president isn’t new, nor is his policy of collective punishment of entire nations of people. What’s new is the gro…
The outlandish hypothetical is in every law professor’s bag of tricks. Can a former president sue a sitting president for defamation? Can a sitting president be…
"Jennifer Granick, a lawyer with the ACLU’s technology division, said that abuses of power will become unavoidable if companies continue to face pressure t…
"“There’s always been employees who have misused the keys,” said ACLU surveillance and cybersecurity counsel Jennifer Granick. She pointed to the tension a…
The bombing of a mosque and community center in suburban Minneapolis 10 days ago and the horrific events in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend are just the…
"Albert Gidari, Director of Privacy for the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School, told us he agrees with the EFF’s argument:
Asking for…
Yesterday, President Trump took a break from his 17-day vacation to threaten North Korea. His words:
North Korea best not make any more threats to the United S…