Facebook’s move to counter revenge porn isn’t enough to protect women
"But while Facebook’s effort is admirable, at this point it’s also just stanching a bad wound. More than 65 per cent of children between the ages of 9 and…
"But while Facebook’s effort is admirable, at this point it’s also just stanching a bad wound. More than 65 per cent of children between the ages of 9 and…
"Companies can have a tricky time censoring user content in general, said Danielle Citron, a Unviersity of Maryland law professor who has researched online…
"Nor was it confined to ex-partners. “Data breaches were starting to be a dime a dozen, and this is when people started hacking into women’s computers and…
"There are some legal options available, University of Maryland law professor Danielle Citron said. For instance, if a victim took a photo themselves, they…
""It is fairly easy for all these companies to figure out where all this data is coming from," Danielle Citron, who authored Hate Crimes in Cyber…
"Revenge porn is a relatively new, yet extremely contentious topic. The act of violating someone's privacy in this manner, exposing their most intimate…
"For the vast majority of online harassers, however, the benefit is not monetary but psychological, says Danielle Citron, professor at the University of Ma…
"We know that one photo can ruin your career,” said Danielle Citron, a law professor at the University of Maryland and author of the book “Hate Crimes in C…
"Also speaking at the press conference was Danielle Citron, a law professor at University of Maryland who has interviewed more than 50 exploitation victims…
""It's nearly impossible to get law enforcement to pay attention — and local police probably won't understand the laws, or there may not be a…
"“No one wanted to commit to anything,” said Citron. “There used to be a period of time where I would talk about this issue and people would say, ‘Stop bei…
Co-authored by Evan Selinger. Google’s recent decision to delist “revenge porn” from its search results is a big deal, and not just for victims. Beyond opposin…