Open Floor to Barbara van Schewick: Net Neutrality in the United States
Contribution to ARCEP's 2023 State of the Internet Report. You can read the press release (English), full report (French, pdf, van Schewick contribution on…
Contribution to ARCEP's 2023 State of the Internet Report. You can read the press release (English), full report (French, pdf, van Schewick contribution on…
Contribution (in French) to ARCEP's 2023 State of the Internet Report (L’état d’internet en France). You can read the press release (French) and the full re…
Comments submitted to the consultation by the Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications (BIPT) on the BIPT Draft Communication regarding the…
White Paper submitted to the European Commission’s Exploratory Consultation on Mandated Network Access Fees. * Publication Type:White Paper / Report * Publ…
Comments provided to the European Commission in response to its proposal for a regulation on fighting child sexual abuse online, which is available here. *…
Comments submitted to BEREC's Public Consultation on the Draft BEREC Guidelines on the Implementation of the Open Internet Regulation. See also the White Pa…
White Paper submitted to BEREC's Public Consultation on the Draft BEREC Guidelines on the Implementation of the Open Internet Regulation. See also the Comme…
The district court held that New York’s Affordable Broadband Act, N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law § 399-zzzzz (“ABA”), is preempted because Congress occupied the entire fiel…
ACA Connects, et al., Plaintiffs-Appellants, v. Rob Bonta, Defendant-AppelleePlaintiffs argue SB-822 is preempted because Congress occupied the entire field of…
(with Olexandr Bulayenko) On the basis of the analysis of norms, cases and practices in the EU and 12+1 selected Member States (Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Fran…
On Wednesday, Politico reported on a leaked email from the Department of Veterans Affairs, expressing concern that California’s net neutrality law could force s…
(with Christophe Geiger) This study highlights how the fundamental rights framework should inform the liability regime of platforms foreseen in secondary EU la…