Is Police Use of Force About to Get Worse—With Robots?
"Ryan Calo, a professor at the University of Washington who’s a leading expert on the intersection of robots and law, said making law enforcement agencies…
"Ryan Calo, a professor at the University of Washington who’s a leading expert on the intersection of robots and law, said making law enforcement agencies…
""What you still want is humans to designate the target in advance and ensure they are legal and lawful targets before the system is deployed," s…
"Peter Asaro, vice-chair of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control — which is campaigning for a treaty to ban “killer robots” — questions wheth…
"Ryan Calo, who teaches robotics law at the University of Washington, agreed. "Robots raise special concerns in society," Calo said, pointing to…
"“While robots could be a good tool, police should be aware of how visceral our reactions are to them,” Ryan Calo, assistant professor of law and a robotic…
"But Ryan Calo, law professor and expert in legal issues and robotics saw little difference between the bomb robot and having a sniper shoot from a distanc…
"“It is crucially important for the international community to establish a norm that prohibits delegating the authority to take human lives to machines,” P…
The robot used by the Dallas police department to kill Micah Johnson — the sniper who fired into a peaceful protest and killed five police officers, injuring ot…
The Alberta wildfires. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The meltdown of Fukushima. Robots have been used to address each of these emergencies, and many more. S…
The use of robots inevitably changes the equation for how police apply "use of force," a term that is broadly defined by the International Association…
""It raises a lot of concern about the increased weaponization of robots that the police use," said Peter Asaro, a co-founder of the Internationa…
Hours after gunman Micah Johnson ambushed police officers in downtown Dallas, he was killed by a bomb strapped on a police robot. Robots in the past have stoppe…