Valarie Kaur at the 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions
Valarie Kaur, founder of Groundswell, gave this moving address on Revolutionary Love at the world's largest interfaith gathering – the 2015 Parliament of th…
Valarie Kaur, founder of Groundswell, gave this moving address on Revolutionary Love at the world's largest interfaith gathering – the 2015 Parliament of th…
"“If you want a world where #BlackLivesMatter … if you want dignity for #Sikhs and #Muslims and the #99Percent, then #NetNeutrality is your cause too.” So…
This article first appeared on The Huffington Post. On Tuesday, July 28th, a diverse group of faith leaders and advocates posted the same video on the Twitter…
"Valarie Kaur, co-founder of Faithful Internet, said that net neutrality is vital for religious leaders who use the Internet to advocate for social justice…
Today, the Open Internet Order becomes effective. Adopted after a year of national debate, the order codifies “net neutrality” — the principle that keeps the In…
Today, the Open Internet Order goes into effect. Many business owners, entrepreneurs, and economists are praising the order as a win for the economy. But there’…
Read the full piece at The Huffington Post. Today, after more than a year of national debate, the Open Internet Order goes into effect. The Order keeps the Int…
This week, a handful of Republicans will hold hearings on the Hill to challenge new federal rules protecting the Internet. The Federal Communications Commission…
When the FCC announced recently that it would adopt new regulations for the Internet – regulations commonly known as Net Neutrality – the announcement was widel…
The public movement to protect a free and open Internet is approaching a critical moment this week: on February 26, the Federal Communications Commission will v…