Why the alt-right can’t build an alt-internet
"Registrars need to be established companies that can demonstrate technical capability and financial stability. If they want to offer recognized domains ex…
"Registrars need to be established companies that can demonstrate technical capability and financial stability. If they want to offer recognized domains ex…
"The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is on an “ambivalent drift” into online content regulation through its contractual facilit…
Abstract This article maps ICANN’s ambivalent drift into online content regulation through its contractual facilitation of a “trusted notifier” copyright enfor…
"Andrew Bridges with Fenwick West in San Francisco submitted an amicus brief to Hanks on Friday on behalf of the Internet Association, the Internet Infrast…
A talk show on KZSU-FM, Stanford, 90.1 FM, hosted by CIS Affiliate Scholar David S. Levine. The show includes guests and focuses on the intersection of technolo…
ICANN’s recent initiative to open the generic domain names space to an application, register-your-favorite-gTLD process struck me as very problematic from the m…